Now I will read you some statements about your relationship with your current or most recent spouse, even if you are divorced or widowed: I want to know where my wife/partner is all of the time
Now I will read you some statements regarding your current or most recent partner: I would not let my partner dress a certain way
Now I will read you some statements about your relationship with your current or most recent wife or partner: I won’t let my partner wear certain things
Now I will read you some statements regarding your current or most recent partner: I need to know where my partner is at all times
Now I will read you some statements about your relationship with your main partner or wive(s): You like to let her know she isn’t the only partner you could have
Now I will read you some statements about your relationship with your main partner or husband(s): You tell main partner/husband who he can spend time with
Now I will read you some statements about your relationship with your current or most recent wife or partner: I tell my partner who she can spend time with
Now I will read you some statements about your relationship with your main partner or wive(s): You tell your partner who she can spend time with