Think about your youngest child. Disregarding the help you and/or your partner may get from others, how often do you perform the following tasks? Scolding the child (verbal discipline)
If you disregard the outside help you receive from others, how do you and your spouse(s) divide the following tasks? Scolding the child or using verbal discipline
I’d like to ask you about whether you have used any of the following actions when your child did something that you did not like: Scold the child
I’d like to ask you about whether you have used any of the following actions when your child did something that you did not like: Threatened to tell your partner about the child’s behavior
If you disregard the outside help you receive from others, how do you and your partner divide the following tasks: Scolding the child or using verbal discipline
Please tell me If you have used this method with your child/ren when he/she/they was/were younger than 14: You compliment or praise your child when he/she behaves well or does something well