[Regarding] the chores you did and behaviors you followed when your children were under 18. [How often did you do the following:] Yelling or raise your voice at your child
Please tell me If you have used this method with your child/ren when he/she/they was/were younger than 14: Did you ever shout, or yell at or scream at your child
Please tell me If you have used any of these methods with your child(ren) when (s)he/they were younger than 14: Shouted, yelled at, or screamed at your child
Please tell me if you have used any of these methods in the PAST MONTH with any of your children aged 3-14: Spanked or slapped your child on any part of her/his body
Please tell me If you have used any of these methods with your child(ren) when (s)he/they were younger than 14: Spanked or slapped your child on any part of her/his body
[Regarding] the chores you did and behaviors you followed when your children were under 18. [How often did you do the following:] Slapping or hitting your child on any part of their body
Please tell me If you have used this method with your child/ren when he/she/they was/were younger than 14: Did you ever hit, spank or slap your child on any part of her/his body with your bare hand
[Thinking about your youngest child], have you done any of the following things to make them stop misbehaving, when they were younger than 14: Hit or slapped them on any part of the body with your hand or fist?
[Regarding] the chores you did and behaviors you followed when your children were under 18. [How often did you do the following:] Hitting your child with a belt, stick, or other hard object
[Thinking about your youngest child], have you done any of the following things to make them stop misbehaving, when they were younger than 14: Hit them on the bottom or any other part of the body with a hard object (eg a belt, a broom handle, etc)?