[Regarding] the chores you did and behaviors you followed when your children were under 18. [How often did you do the following:] Taking away priveleges or prohibiting something your child used to do or not allowing him/her to leave the house
Please tell me If you have used this method with your child/ren when he/she/they was/were younger than 14: Did you ever call him/her dumb, lazy or another name like that
[Regarding] the chores you did and behaviors you followed when your children were under 18. [How often did you do the following:] Call your child stupid, useless, or an idiot
Please tell me If you have used this method with your child/ren when he/she/they was/were younger than 14: Did you ever force your child to kneel or stand in a manner that results in pain
Please tell me If you have used this method with your child/ren when he/she/they was/were younger than 14: Did you ever give him/her something else to do
Please tell me If you have used this method with your child/ren when he/she/they was/were younger than 14: Did you ever lock your child out of house or in a dark room
Please tell me If you have used this method with your child/ren when he/she/they was/were younger than 14: Threaten to invoke ghosts, evil spirits or harmful people
Please tell me if you have used any of these methods in the PAST MONTH with any of your children aged 3-14: Took away privileges, or forbade something your child did or did not allow your child to leave the house
I’d like to ask you about whether you have used any of the following actions when your child did something that you did not like: Physically punished the child (e.g. spanked)