I would have preferred for the costs of my marriage to be shared equally between my family and my spouse’s family
Why do you think [laws that seek to protect women’s rights] are not effective? Legal processes are too complicated
Why do you think [laws that seek to protect women’s rights] are not effective? Legal processes are too expensive
Why do you think [laws that seek to protect women’s rights] are not effective? Legal processes expose women to stigma and scandal
Why do you think [laws that seek to protect women’s rights] are not effective? Women don’t know about these laws
Why do you think [laws that seek to protect women’s rights] are not effective? Tradition and culture are too strong
Why do you think [laws that seek to protect women’s rights] are not effective? State doesn’t enforce the laws
Why do you think [laws that seek to protect women’s rights] are not effective? Police discourage women from reporting violations of their rights