Now I will read a series of ideas for new legislation, and you tell me whether you think there should be a law to address the following issues. Please just tell me YES or NO: Treating honor killings like any other murders
What is your view of killing for honor in [country name]? Men who kill their female relations for (so-called) honor should not be punished by law
According to the law, is a husband who forces his wife to have sex against her will committing a criminal act (that is, the husband can be fined or put in jail)?
What would you do if you saw physical or sexual violence being carried out by a stranger (man) against a woman?
What did you do the last time when you saw, heard, witnessed, or otherwise knew that your male friend was using physical violence against his spouse?
Have you ever heard of any campaigns or activities in your community or workplace that talk about preventing violence against women?
Have you ever seen an advertisement or public service announcement on television about violence against women?