Who made the decisions in the home about large investments, such as buying or selling a car, a house, land, animals, etc.? [If another family member other than respondent, mother or father, indicate gender]
Who has the final say about decisions involving how your family spends money on large investments such as buying a car, a house or a household appliance?
Who has the last word or authority on the time that your partner spends with her family, friends, or relatives?
[Regarding] the chores you did and behaviors you followed when your children were under 18. [How often did you do the following:] Taking away priveleges or prohibiting something your child used to do or not allowing him/her to leave the house
[Regarding] the chores you did and behaviors you followed when your children were under 18. [How often did you do the following:] Call your child stupid, useless, or an idiot
[Regarding] the chores you did and behaviors you followed when your children were under 18. [How often did you do the following:] Hitting or slapping your child on the face, ears, or head