Think about your youngest child. Disregarding the help you and/or your partner may get from others, how often do you perform the following tasks? Giving the child a bath
How do you and your spouse divide the following tasks? Talking with the child about any personal matters in their lives
If you disregard the outside help you receive from others, how do you and your partner divide the following tasks: Talking with the child about any personal matters in their lives
Think about your youngest child. Disregarding the help you and/or your partner may get from others, how do you/did you and your partner distribute the following tasks? Talking about personal matters with the child
Do/did you ever do the following? Daily routine care of the child, including feeding and supervising the child
How did you share this responsibility? Talking with the child about any personal matters in their lives
Who in your family does the following activities related to children, or if your children are grown, who did them before? Cooking for and preparing food for children?
Think about your youngest child. Disregarding the help you and/or your partner may get from others, how often do you perform the following tasks? Daily care of the child