Compared to my sisters or to girls in my neighborhood, it was or would have been easier for my brothers and I to study abroad
Compared to my sisters or to girls in my neighborhood, my brothers got more and better food than me and my sisters (eg they ate more food, or eat sooner)
Compared to my sisters or to girls in my neighborhood, my brothers and I got more and better food than my sisters (eg we ate more food, or eat sooner)
Compared to my sisters or to girls in my neighborhood, my brothers had less free time because they were expected to earn money for our family
Compared to your sisters or to girls in your neighborhood your brothers and other boys had less free time because they were expected to earn money for the family
Compared to me and my sisters or girls in my neighborhood, my brothers and other boys had less free time because they were expected to earn money for the family
Compared to my sisters or to girls in my neighborhood, my brothers and I had less free time because we were expected to earn money for our family
Compared to your sisters or to girls in your neighborhood you and your brothers had less free time because you were expected to earn money for our family
Compared to your sisters or to girls in your neighborhood it was easier for you and your brothers to go outside the home
Compared to my brothers or boys in my family, it was or would have been harder for my sisters and I to study abroad