Compared to my sisters or to girls in my neighborhood, my brothers had more free time because they were not expected to do housework like me, my sisters and other girls
Compared to your sisters or to girls in your neighborhood Your brothers or other boys in the neighborhood had more free time because they were not expected to do chores like your sisters and you
Compared to my sisters or to girls in my neighborhood, my brothers and I had more free time because we were not expected to do housework like our sisters and other girls
Compared to your sisters or to girls in your neighborhood you and your brothers had more free time because you were not expected to do chores like your sisters and other girls
Compared to my sisters or to girls in my neighborhood: My birth or my brothers were more celebrated than my sisters or other girls.
Before I reached 18, I saw my sisters /female cousins getting less freedom than myself and my brothers
Compared to my brothers or boys in my neighborhood, my sisters and I had less free time because we had to do most of the work at home
Compared to me and my sisters or girls in my neighborhood, my brothers or other boys in the neighborhood had more free time because they were not expected to do housework like my sisters and I