Have any of your partners threatened to hurt one of your children to get you to do something or to punish you in the last year?
Has a male partner insulted you or deliberately made you feel bad about yourself in the last twelve months?
Has your current or any other partner insulted you or deliberately made you feel bad about yourself in the last year?
Has your husband insulted you or deliberately made you feel bad about yourself in the last twelve months?
Has your spouse insulted you or deliberately made you feel bad about yourself in the last twelve months?
Have you been insulted by a partner or deliberately be made to feel bad about yourself in the past year?
Have any of your partners insulted you or spoken to you using vulgar or aggressive language in the last year?
Has your husband threatened to hurt you or someone who is important to you in the last twelve months?
Has a male partner humiliated you, threatened you, or didn’t allow you to leave the house when you wanted in the last year?
Has your current or any other partner hurt people you care about as a way of hurting you, or damaged things of importance to you in the last year?