If you disregard the outside help you receive from others, how often did you do the following tasks in the past 1-month: Cleaning the kitchen or sitting rooms
If you disregard the help you receive from others, how do you and your spouse divide the following tasks: Controlling the daily budget
If you disregard the outside help you receive from others, how often did you do the following tasks in the past 1-month: Washing clothes
In the case of partners you have lived with, how often did you do the following tasks? Do not include help received from outside the home or a domestic worker. Wash clothes
If you disregard the outside help you receive from others, how often did you do the following tasks in the past 1-month: Preparing food
In the case of partners you have lived with, how often did you do the following tasks? Do not include help received from outside the home or a domestic worker. Prepare food