If you disregard the help you receive from others, how do you and your partner divide the following tasks: Washing clothes
On one of the days when you did this task, how many hours do you spend doing it? Cooking or helping to cook for the household
On one of the days when you did this task, how many minutes do you spend doing it? Cooking or helping to cook for the household
During the last 7 days, on how many days did you perform the following tasks? Cleaning the house and surroundings
On one of the days when you did this task, how many hours do you spend doing it? Cleaning the house and surroundings
On one of the days when you did this task, how many minutes do you spend doing it? Cleaning the house and surroundings
In the case of partners you have lived with, how often did you do the following tasks? Do not include help received from outside the home or a domestic worker. Clean the house
Not including outside help that you might receive from others, who does the following tasks? Clean the house and its surroundings
If you disregard the outside help you receive from others, who performs the following tasks? Cooking for the household
If you disregard the outside help you receive from others, who performs the following tasks? Cooking or helping to cook for the household