If you have children between 0-4 living with you, how often do you do any of the following together or for your children? How often do you cook or fix food for your children?
If you have children between 0-4 living with you, how often does your partner do any of the following together or for your children? How often does your partner give a bath to your children?
If you have children between 0-4 living with you, how often does your partner do any of the following with you or for your children? How often does your partner bathe your children?
If you have children between 0-4 living with you, how often does your partner do any of the following with you or for your children? How often does your partner change diapers or any clothes of your children?
If you have children between 0-4 living with you, how often does your partner do any of the following together or for your children? How often does your partner cook or fix food for your children?
If you have children between 0-4 living with you, how often does your partner do any of the following with you or for your children? How often does your partner cook or fix food for your children?
What is your view of killing for honor in Kuwait? How female relatives act and dress directly affects a man’s honor