Of the following consequences of the [civil] war which ones still present today in your life? Use of suruma (marijuana) to calm down
Of the following consequences of the [civil] war which ones still present today in your life? Use of drugs (heroin, cocaine, crack, etc.)
Of the following consequences of the [civil] war which ones still present today in your life? Participation in worship / church
Of the following consequences of the [civil] war which ones still present today in your life? Recourse to healer
When you feel sad, disappointed or frustrated, do you seek help from others, from whom do you seek help? Traditional healer
Have you personally or both of you sought help, eg, family counseling, religious, family member, in order to solve problems related to your relationship? If so, who took the initiative to get help?
When you feel sad, disappointed or frustrated, do you seek help from others, from whom do you seek help? Teacher/social worker
When you feel sad, disappointed or frustrated, do you seek help from others, from whom do you seek help? Doctor