Before I reached age 18, I saw or heard my mother being insulted, belittled or humiliated by my father or another male relative
Before I reached age 18, I saw or heard my mother being beaten by her mother-in-law or other female relative
Before I reached age 18, I saw or heard my sister(s) being beaten by my father or another male relative
Before I reached age 18, I saw or heard my sister(s) being beaten by my mother or another female relative
I have asked you some easy and some difficult questions How has talking about these things made you feel?
Some people agree that there should be a law that is penalizing sexual harassment in public spaces, while some others are opposing this law. Do you think there should be such a law?
Before I reached age 18, I was beaten or physically punished at school by a teacher, a tutor, or a Mullah in Madrasa or Mosque
Before I reached age 18, I was repeatedly made fun of, teased, intimidated, threatened or physically abused by other children in my school or in my community