Disregarding the help you and/or your partner may get from others, how do/did you and your partner distribute the following tasks related to the care of children? Collecting child from school/day care centre
Disregarding the help you and/or your partner may get from others, how do/did you and your partner distribute the following tasks related to the care of children? Staying at home with a child when he/she is sick
Disregarding the help you and/or your partner may get from others, how do/did you and your partner distribute the following tasks related to the care of children? Driving or taking the child to leisure-time activities
Disregarding the help you and/or your partner may get from others, how do/did you and your partner distribute the following tasks related to the care of children? Daily care of child
If you have children between the ages of 5-13 living with you, how often do you do any of the following together or for your children? How often do you talk about personal matters with your children?