Did you ever have sex with a male partner for one of the following reason: Gave you cash or money to pay your bills
Did you ever have sexual relation with a man because any of the below mentioned reasons: He assured your job or raise
Did you ever have sex with a male partner for one of the following reason: Provided you with somewhere to stay
Did you ever have sexual relation with a man because any of the below mentioned reasons: He assured your financial needs
Did you ever have sex with a male partner for one of the following reason: Provided you anything else that you could not afford by yourself
How many times did you force a woman who was NOT your wife or girlfriend at the time to have sex with you?
How many times have you had sex with a woman or girl when she was too drunk to say whether she wanted it or not?
How many times have you had sex with a woman or girl when she didn’t consent to sex or after you forced her?