Have you ever seen an advertisement or public service announcement on television questioning men’s use of violence against women?
Have you ever participated in an activity (group session, rally, etc) in your community or workplace to question other men’s use of violence against women?
Have you ever heard of any campaigns or activities in your community or workplace that talk about preventing violence against women?
As far as you are aware, are there any of the following initiatives in Georgia for victims/survivors of domestic violence: hotline
As far as you are aware, are there any of the following initiatives in Georgia for victims/survivors of domestic violence: crisis centres
Have you threatened to hurt your partner or someone who is important to her in the last twelve months?
Have you refused to speak with your partner for some time (a few hours, a day or for more than a day), refused to eat the food they have cooked or slept in a different room away from the bedroom you share in the last twelve months?
Have you done any of these things [involving emotional intimate partner violence] in the past 12 months?