In general, how common do you think any type of violence against women by partners, acquaintances or strangers is in Georgia?
Do you know of any women who have been a victim of any form of domestic violence, that is, violence involving partners or people who are in a relationship?
Do most of your close friends believe the following? That there are times when a man is justified in hitting his wife or partner
The majority of your family believes: That there are times when a man is justified in hitting his wife or partner
It would be justified to use violence against a homosexual man, who is not a personal friend: When he keeps staring at me
It would be justified to use violence against a homosexual man, who is not a personal friend: When he acts in an effeminate way
It would be justified to use violence against a homosexual man, who is not a personal friend: When he keeps hitting on me
It would be justified to use violence against a homosexual man, who is not a personal friend: When he is romantically kissing another man in public