Please tell me If you have used this method with your child/ren when he/she/they was/were younger than 14: Did you ever beat him/her up, that is hit him/her over and over as hard as you could
Please tell me If you have used this method with your child/ren when he/she/they was/were younger than 14: Did you ever shout, or yell at or scream at your child
Please tell me If you have used this method with your child/ren when he/she/they was/were younger than 14: Did you ever hit, spank or slap your child on any part of her/his body with your bare hand
Please tell me If you have used this method with your child/ren when he/she/they was/were younger than 14: Did you ever explain to the child why his/her behavior was wrong
Please tell me if you have used any of these methods in the PAST MONTH with any of your children aged 3-14: Hit your child on the bottom or elsewhere on the body with something like a belt, or stick or other hard object
Most people in your community expect that punishing children physically will make them responsible and mature adults
Most people in your community approve of teachers physically punishing a child when he or she misbehaves
I think it is acceptable for a teacher to physically punish a child when he or she misbehaves (ie slap, push, shove, punch, kick, whip, beat)?