Your community would disapprove of boys who continue to go to school even though they have to provide for the family
Most adolescent girls in your community stay home from school as often as necessary when they have to help around the house
I think an adolescent boy should stay home from school as often as needed if he has to help provide for the family
I think an adolescent girl should stay home from school as often as needed if she has to help around the house
I think changing diapers, giving baths to children, and feeding children are the mother’s responsibility, not the father’s
Compared to your sisters or to girls in your neighborhood Your brothers or other boys in the neighborhood had more free time because they were not expected to do chores like your sisters and you
Compared to your sisters or to girls in your neighborhood you and your brothers had more free time because you were not expected to do chores like your sisters and other girls
Compared to your sisters or to girls in your neighborhood it was easier for you and your brothers to go outside the home