Who in your current or most recent relationship has the final say about the following issues: Spending money on large investments such as buying a car, or a house or a household appliance
Who in your family or relationship usually has the final say in how you spend money? Large investments such as buying a car, or a house, or a household appliance
Who in your current or most recent relationship has the final say about the following issues: Buying necessary household items, such as food, clothes, medicine, etc
Who in your family or relationship usually has the final say in how you spend money? Food and clothing
Think about your youngest child. Disregarding the help you and/or your partner may get from others, how often do you perform the following tasks? Spanking or beating the child
Who in your family or relationship usually has the final say in how you spend money? Regarding spending time with family friends or relatives
Think about your youngest child. Disregarding the help you and/or your partner may get from others, how often do you perform the following tasks? Scolding the child (verbal discipline)