Have you kept money from your earnings for alcohol, tobacco or other things for yourself when you knew your partner was finding it hard to afford the household expenses in the last twelve months?
Have you prohibited a female partner from getting a job, going to work, trading or earning money in the last twelve months?
How often have you prohibited a female partner from getting a job, going to work, trading or earning money?
How often have you kept money from your earnings for alcohol, tobacco or other things for yourself when you knew your partner was finding it hard to afford the household expenses?
Have you experienced any of the following forms of violence outside the home in the last 3 months: Other (specific)
Have you experienced any of the following forms of violence outside the home in the last 3 months: Been threatened with a gun
Have you experienced any of the following forms of violence outside the home in the last 3 months: Been threatened with a knife or other weapon (excluding firearms)
Have you experienced any of the following forms of violence outside the home in the last 3 months: Been punched or hit