What do you think about a young man under age 18 working as a sex worker or prostitute? I see nothing wrong with it
What do you think about a young man under age 18 working as a sex worker or prostitute? I think it is his own choice
What do you think about a young man under age 18 working as a sex worker or prostitute? I think it is wrong but there is nothing that can be done about it
Have you ever had sex with a prostitute or sex worker you know or suspected was under 18 years of age?
Have you ever had sex with a prostitute or sex worker you think was forced or sold into prostitution?
Have you had sex with a male partner for the following reasons: Paid your school fees or residence fees
Have you had sex with a male partner for the following reasons: Gave you cosmetics or money for beauty products
Have you had sex with a male partner for the following reasons: Did handyman work for you or fixed your car
Have you had sex with a male partner for the following reasons: Gave items to your children or family